貸切戸建だから、他のお客様も気にせず泊まれます。/Because it is a detached house, you can stay without worrying about other guests
ダブルスマイル(最大11名様まで宿泊できます)/Double Smile(Can sleep up to 11 people)
家族やお友だちみんなで宿泊すると断然お得!(お1人様2,000円~宿泊可能)/It is absolutely advantageous to stay with all family and friends!( 2,000 yen per person can be accommodated)
6名がけのダイニングテーブル/Dining table for 6 people
食器も取り揃えています。/We also have tableware.
子ども用食器も取り揃えています。/We also have children’s dishes.
Please use the kids’ chair for small children.
空気清浄機/Air cleaner
キッチン完備/Fully equipped kitchen
みんなで楽しく料理したり、離乳食の準備をしたりできます。/Everyone can enjoy cooking and preparing baby food.
レンジ、炊飯器、トースター、電気ポットあります。/There are a range, rice cooker, toaster and electric kettle.
伝統的な日本の部屋である和室。畳を敷き詰めたお部屋です。/Japanese-style room that is a traditional Japanese room. A room with tatami mats.
布団3 100×210cm×3
押し入れの中のキッズスペース。/When the door is closed, the inside is completely dark! The children are overjoyed. Like a secret base.